“Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father, to visit orphans and widows in their distress…” — James 1:27
We began construction of the Elderly Care home in September of 2011. On June 2, 2014, we had our first two widows arrive to be in the home. The next day, another lady arrived. All three were chosen by the leaders of the Limbe church because of their situations. The Bible tells us that we need to care for true widows, or those who have no children or family left. All of these ladies qualify. Since then, we have added another 5 residents. Several have already gone to Heaven, having been cared for til the end.
It is great to see them sitting, visiting, and enjoying the new comforts around them. They had their first shower and were heard laughing and talking. With 3 good meals a day, we hope they will be provided for in a way they are not used to. Devotions are held every morning, which includes the gospel. Several have come to salvation through Jesus Christ. One man, Mondesi, was brought from the “poor house” where he was near death. He believed in Jesus when he arrived and was with us for 4 years before he passed away. We have had 13 residents over all time and we have 7 currently.
The Haitian staff, led by Wedson, is handling things very well. Everyhing is clean and neat. He is very trustworthy with finances, and has proven to have a heart for the seniors. Several of the orphan kids are providing staffing, and given a small amount of pay for their work. This gives them a chance to learn a work ethic, and to be neat and clean.
Recently, the property has added chickens, a vegetable garden, fruit trees, goats, and a new shaded sitting area. It is a beautiful place, and we thank God for what He has done!

Your prayers for this ministry are needed as follows:
- Wedson as he leads the ministry
- The people that God would want to have in the home
- Adjustment and learning to take care of these people from another culture
- Finances to keep this going