Sister Church Concept has Worked in 8 Locations
The Sister Church concept is not a new idea, but it has been very beneficial to churches in Haiti and North America!
For the Haitian Church, a tremendous opportunity opens to them for progress in their ministry. “People call our church a pig pen and they will never come,” a Haitian pastor said, concerning the state of the broken-down building he is trying to minister in. Many churches are struggling to get going in the community due to the lack of a good facility in Haitian standards. When a group from North America shows up to work, their joy abounds and their hopes soar! The church means so much to them as it is one of the few things they must hold onto. Ministry to people is opened in a new way, which brings new people into the church.
For the North American church, taking people on a team is done with the idea that they will be a blessing to the Haitians but so often the reverse is true. Many churches report a renewed vision for missions and the lost in the foreign field and at home. Sometimes new leaders are born as people take on challenges they never would at home. The whole church can rally around developing a ministry in one location that is all their own. Great blessings occur on both ends of the spectrum.
Ministry can be designed to fit the needs of the community. Creativity has abounded with many people using talents on the field that would otherwise go unused. It is a stretching experience but a life changing experience.
For a prospectus on the ministry, please let us know by going to our Contact Us page.

Sister Churches:
Acul du Nord, Haiti — Monroe E Free, Aurora, Nebraska
Carmathe, Haiti — Marysville Berean Church, Marysville, Kansas
Ennery, Haiti — Berean Community Church, Rochester Minnesota
Gonaives II, Haiti — Forest Park Church, Carthage, Missouri
Bord de Mar — Berean Church, Auburn NE
Savin Caree, Haiti — Middle Creek Church of the Brethren, Lititz, Pennsylvania
Bas de Sault, Haiti — Sonrise Church, Torringron, Wyoming