How the Conference Ministry was Started
The Conference Ministry is an outgrowth of the Character Development ministry that was started as a ministry to school children. There was such a demand for this information! We had a huge contacts list because Feugens and Gito had contacted every pastor and school in northern Haiti. So the next best opportunity was to use the contacts and information and go to those who needed it.
Why and What?
We believe that the most effective way to spread any idea is to multiply the message by training people who will take the message to the masses. This is the way Jesus and the disciples were able to get the gospel to the masses, as it added more laborers quickly. We found that there is a huge lack of materials in the Creole language that is useful and practical in leaders hands. Besides having a spoken message at a conference, we wanted to provide something for them to take home. Leaders are hungry for anything that will help them as they are not well trained and materials are expensive. We are guaranteed they will use what they take home and teach it almost word for word. The Protestant Reformation took place because of the invention of the printing press, so that the masses were able to know the Truth for themselves. This makes change on a larger scale possible.
The conference takes place on a Saturday. Tidor establishes contact with a leader who is willing to host a conference in an area. Once the dates are set and the location established, invitations are sent out to about 60 leaders. The speakers travel to the location on Friday, and are ready to start early Saturday morning. A lunch is provided and the teaching lasts until mid-afternoon, giving the attendees time to get home by tap tap.

Family and Male Leadership
One of the key needs in Haiti and all societies is for men to step up and lead their families. This need is beginning to be mentioned more and more in North America, but a mass effort has not been made to impact the need. Statistics are staggering of the consequences on children who do not have a male in their lives. Education problems, crime, joblessness, and repeating the cycle of male absense for the next generation is the result. God also says the same thing in spiritual and challenging terms.
“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.” — Malachi 4:5-6
Feugens does a good job of talking about the roles of men and women in marriage and the need for men to be the leaders in the home. We have also printed two books, “What is a Man?” and “Family Training”.

There is a saying that everything rises or falls on leadership. When leaders fail to lead Biblically, things do not go well in the family, church, or country. This is the root cause of all of Haiti’s struggles. Tidor does a good job of teaching what good leadership looks like from the Bible, and challenging leaders to help others grow as well. This multiplies the work that can be done for the Lord. Good character is part of being a good leader, and the original book on Character Development is used as a take home for each participant.
We know that Satan pollutes everything, and diverts people from the Truth. The most serious place where this occurs is with the gospel. Gito deals with this and demonstrates a clear way of sharing the gospel and challenging the leaders to be active and speak the gospel at every opportunity. We also have a book on this.
Attendance and Locations
Many conferences have taken place in many places all over northern Haiti. The group has traveled to some distant locations in southern Haiti as well. Since Haitians live in many other places, we have taken the conference to the Dominican Republic, Turks and Caicos Island, and the United States. We have had over 3000 men and wome attend the conferences. We have a full slate of those who want to host a conference.

Each conference costs $1250. This covers travel, food, materials, and overnight stays. After all the expenses are paid, the remainder is divided up as a donation to the speakers and those who have helped. This ministry idea is unique, and it is hard to know of exact results. However, we know from the questions asked and the changes in thinking that takes place at the conferences that many minds are being opened to the Truth. We believe the Word of God is powerful, and we pray that it will have a great impact on thousands of lives.