For many years, Azel and Meli Lopez lead the ministry in several villages. The torch was passed to their son David Lopez and his wife Karina in 2015. David has had experience as a lawyer, police, and a teacher. Karina is a secretary in a government office. They work very hard in ministry on weekends, and during the week.

Their vision and enthusiasm has brought some new initiatives in the village of Adequez. This small village is having an impact in the surrounding area in a wonderful way. This happens through children’s ministry, helping poor families with clothing, economic development projects, evangelism outreach, and discipleship.
In September of 2018, they began to be burdened for the lost in their own neighborhood. God began to open doors for the gospel, and as they began to lead people to Christ, a small Bible study developed. This has grown and grown as new believers began to lead their family members to Christ. In 8 months, around 30 people have come to know Christ. A place to meet was needed. The cost of renting a building and purchasing was out of the question.
Through the help of Grace Mission supporters, a roof was installed over a large patio area at their own home. This comfortably will accommodate many people. A bathroom is going to be constructed so that their personal space is not needed for the church family. Please pray for them in the new venture. They are so blessed by God, and enthusiastic about what He is doing. The long range plan is to multiply leaders, and then multiply church plants.