Grace Mission's Philosophy of Ministry, Vision Statement
There are many things that a mission organization can do in a country. Decisions must be made to point the way forward by the leaders. This direction must be Biblical in all aspects and correspond with the commands of the Great Commission. Mark 16:15 and Matthew 28:19-20 clearly command that evangelism and discipleship that teaches people what God says about how to live as a Christian, are the proprieties that must be involved in the vision of the mission. Here is a look at Grace Mission’s vision statement and what we are doing to implement that vision.
What is the BIG PICTURE?
Grace Mission in Haiti should be a ministry where leaders and people are of strong Christian Character. Developing leaders who will multiply leaders with proper doctrine and a servant’s heart, who will build changed people that will change the country! The idea is that when we are being what we need to be — God will open the door to do vast things for HIM!
Our vision statement requires that we are involved in the following:
- Character Development
- Doctrinal Training
- Disciple making and leadership development, which leads to multiplication of leaders
We started working on this vision in 2007 and have developed the following ministries for each area and are seeing God work in great ways. After several years of working in Haiti it became evident to make real changes in Haiti something out of the ordinary needed to be done. We began to research Proverbs to see what the wisest man in the world had to say about why people live in poverty and what needs to be changed. Many people have the idea that poverty comes from lack of financial opportunities and resources. Proverbs indicates it is the heart and character that cause the problem! What can be done? Recently we came across the book “Wisdom: The way to human flourishing” by Darrow Miller. This book confirms all of what Proverbs says and gives amazing guidance to change the life of individuals, families, societies, and institutions. And that is the order that needs to be emphasized to impact all societies. Below are some of the things we have done to work in this direction.
Conferences for Leaders

Church leaders are the influencers and multiplier of change for Haiti. Because of the massive spread of the ideas that were started with the books, (They were distributed over all of Haiti) leaders were asking for more help. With the leadership of Tidor Wilbert we have developed conferences for leaders that teach servant leadership, male leadership and family dynamics in the home, a clear gospel message, and what makes a country flourish, i.e. Wisdom. Over 3,000 leaders have attended these conferences all over northern Haiti and the Dominical Republic where Haitians live. Free documents are given out for all who attend. This is uncommon and very much appreciated by leaders. Many exciting changes have been reported by leaders who have been able to use this information help individuals make changes for more Godliness and success at life.
As a result of this program and the success it was having in the Limbe school, many other schools began asking what we were doing to have these results. This approach seemed to be something new and was eagerly received. We believed God had opened the door for something more. We printed 16,000 books with 42 character lessons and the gospel. Our vision was in alignment in this and God has used it greatly. It opened the door for conferences for leaders to be held all over the country.
Character Development
Pastors Doctrinal Training

A strong church and society can only be based on solid Biblical Truth! We finished a five year Bible course that would be equal to a one year Bible College education in 2014. They meet once a month to cover great material from books from the Bible Center for Training Pastors.
The impact on the pastors has been wonderful. They make statements like, “Now I know what I am talking about”. “I can now answer questions from the Bible and give a chapter and verse.” “All of my adults and children now understand that they know they have eternal life.”
This is crucial if we are to ever lift this society out of the mire it is in. False teaching and lies create more turmoil and uncertainty in life and ruin the blessing of God on a person, church, and a nation if they are to ever be lifted up by God.
Many pastors have taken book one, two, and three to their churches where they have been received with great enthusiasm.

In 2006, three men caught the vision for discipleship and the multiplication of discipleship. It starts with these three guys first becoming like Jesus because to be the right model you must model Jesus Himself. Now it is time to launch these three young men into the next level of discipleship and have each of them take on three new guys. This was started in July 2012.
For the next year, the new men were involved in 3 new groups led by the faithful starters. Multiplication has great impact. It is the way the early church was able to reach their world with the gospel in a short time. Now Tidor leads our national Character and Leadership Development ministry. Gito is the principal of the orphanage school and administrator of the orphanage.
Nationals leading the ministry
Have you ever wondered how we will ever reach the world with the gospel at the present rate and cost of sending North Americans to foreign fields?
Is God shorthanded when He looks at Christians in other lands?
Is there no one available from those lands to do the job?
Bernadin Belizaire in Haiti and Ciro Perez, David Lopeez, and Carlos Vasquez in Mexico
- Have a vision for the lost that God has laid on their hearts
- Plan, organize, and carry out the work
- Feel the full responsibility for the ministry success
- Minister the Haitian and Mexican way, with a Biblical basis
- Teach in a relevant way because they understand their culture
- Are accountable to God and Grace Mission for the Godly use of finances
- Have a standard of living that fits their culture
It has been exciting to see how God has used these men and families to impact their countries in great ways!

For a full six page explanation of our philosophy of ministry, send your request through the contact form below.