Carlos and Sara Vasques Reach Children, Parents, and Minister to Pregnant Mothers
Los Alamos is an ideal location for a new church plant, as it is located on the edge of a suburb of Oaxaca City that has no evangelical church. Carlos and Sara Vasquez, and their family, have been ministering since July 2012. It has been a challenge to make the adjustments for the family, and things have been tight financially, but they have continued faithfully and are seeing God bless the ministry.

The church is growing, and new believers are coming in. They have used a unique children’s ministry to reach the community. Children are highly motivated to come and see what the puppets will say. The puppets, visuals, worksheets, and crafts all teach a Bible lesson, coupled with the gospel. Moms are coming to see what makes their kids so excited. This has opened doors of opportunity to minister to them.
Sara is a certified doctor, and has found her niche in helping pregnant moms and newborns. She has averted numerous abortions, and has been able to share the gospel, and give counseling to these desperate women. The result is some beautiful babies coming into this world.
Please pray for these important ministries.